Saturday, March 5, 2016

Getting Ready for the March 22 Caucus Night!

The March 22 Caucus Night meeting is fast approaching. Here is an information dump for everyone who is planning on attending that night.

The Presidential Primary

If you want to vote in the upcoming Republican Presidential Primary it is highly recommended that you pre-register! Pre-registration will allow you to choose to vote online or at your local caucus night. If you can, VOTE ONLINE!!! This will help us have a much quicker process at our caucus meeting if we don't have to deal with the presidential primary.

If you are interested in only the presidential primary and not the caucus you should definitely vote online since the State Party, who sets the agenda for the local caucus meeting, will require to vote in this race as the last item on the agenda. That means you will have to wait until the end of the night to vote. Use this link to pre-register and vote online.

TUE, MAR 22 7:00PM
2016 Utah Republican Party Caucus Pre-Registration (Utah County) Presidential Primary Only
Government & Politics
Utah County

Want to make sure you are registered to vote? Go to to find your voter registration.

Running to be a Delegate/Precinct Officer

The main purpose of the Caucus meetings is the election of State and County Delegate and the election of the Precinct Officers. If you would like to run for one of these positions there are two ways for you to declare your candidacy.

1. You can pre-register as a candidate online. Go to the Pre-Register as a Candidate page on this blog, fill out the form, and hit submit. As long you are already a registered Republican, your name will automatically be added to the ballot for the positions that you are running for.

2. If you do not pre-register you can come to the caucus night and nominate yourself or have someone else nominate you from the floor.

If you are not currently registered as a Republican you will not be added to the absentee or same-day voter ballot until you are. You can show up to caucus night, register as a Republican on the spot and then run for office if you choose.

Since the rules allow for absentee balloting at the caucus night you don't technically need to be present to be elected as a delegate or a precinct officer. However, candidates who are present will be given a chance to speak and answer a couple of questions. Failure by pre-registered candidates to show up to their caucus will probably keep them from getting elected. Just sayin....

Military/Missionary/Same Day Absentee Voting

Starting this year registered Republicans who are not able to attend their neighborhood caucus can be given a chance to vote by absentee ballot. For more information about how this will work, click to view the following explanation from the Utah State Republican Party.

Explanation of Voting Absentee for Same Day, Out of State Military Personnel, and Religious Service Voters

Some Final Reminders and Reading Material

For anyone that want to serve in any position in the party and serve their community by taking on the responsibility to vet the candidates for local and national office, the following documents are very important. One of the responsibility of a delegate is to select a candidate that will best represent both their constituents, but also the values, ideals, and platforms of the Republican Party. Precinct Officers are required by the by the Bylaws of the party to publicly only support party selected candidates.

If you are considering running to be a delegate or a precinct officer, then take to familiarize yourself with the governing documents of our party. You will be representing not just yourself, but all of your Republican friends and neighbors this election season. Now is a good time to understand what your party stands for.

Utah County Republican Party
Party Platform Constitution & Bylaws Party Standing Rules

Utah State Republican Party
Party Platform Party Bylaws Party Constitution

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